Saturday, 27 August 2022

Programme for 2022-23 - back to in-person meetings!

Our programme for 2022-23 is as follows:

Monday 19 September
"King Arthur and his Landscape Monk" - to be given by Mark Olly

Monday 17 Octoberr
"Nuns, Nurses and Witches" - to be given by Peter Harvey

Monday 21 November
"The War in Ukraine" - to be given by Charles Esdaile

Monday 12 December
Pre-Christmas Gathering (6:30pm for 7:00pm)

Monday 16 January
"My Uncle's Liverpool" - to be given by Ken Robinson and 3 SHHS members

Monday 20 February
"Growing Up with Rugby League" - to be given by Alex Service

Monday 20 March
"Our Canal is Born" - to be given by Peter Keen

Monday 17 April
"Our Canal Expands" - to be given by Peter Keen

Monday 15 May
"Mary Merryweather: Pioneer Nurse and Political Reformer" - to be given by Chris Jones

All talks are given at the Friends' Meeting House Church Street St Helens WA10 1AJ. Doors open at 7:00pm ahead of the start of the talk at 7:30pm.

In addition to the above monthly meetings, we will be holding an Annual Dinner and and AGM. We also hope to arrange at least one outing. Details of these events will be provided as soon as they have been arranged.

Annual membership of St Helens Historical Society costs £12. Visitors will be charged £3 per meeting attended.

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